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Autumn Resonance with Katie

Do you need some time for YOU? Would you like to feel grounded, in your body and with a sense of easeful calm of body, mind and spirit? Autumn Resonance is a practice for exactly this πŸ‚πŸ€ŽπŸ

In Chinese Medicine theory, there are five natural elements that exist within us, as they do in nature. Each season belongs to a particular element and has unique correspondences. When we study nature’s patterns and cycles, we can learn how to support our own health and stay well year-round.

The Metal element belongs to the season of Autumn. We depart from the expansive, endless days of summer and hunker down into routine and structure.

The Lungs and Large Intestine meridian systems belong to the Metal element, and they play a very important role in our overall health and wellbeing. The focus of Autumn turns to strengthening the Lungs and Large Intestine, gathering inspiration, and practice that which we observe in nature: letting go.

Join Katie for an evening of Qi Gong, Breathwork and Yin Yoga, these practices have an affinity with TCM and will be oriented around the meridians of the Lung, Large Intestine and element of Metal.

16 March

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19 May

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