Our 200 hr teacher training is a thoughtfully curated, comprehensive, practice and theory based introduction to teaching yoga. 

NOVEMBER 2ND - 24TH 2024

A training steeped in the ancient history and philosophy of yoga.

We have designed the program to give you a wide range of knowledge where you will be able to speak about yoga from an eloquent and informed position, formulate your own creative classes and feel confident to step into the seat of a teacher. 

The program was created and will be facilitated by Swell Yoga Studio Founder, Sarah Heldsinger and led by Skaya Hedstrom and Telissa Patterson.

Our curriculum will cover:

Yoga Philosophy; the yoga sutras of Patanjali

Physiology and Anatomy from a Western and Eastern perspective

Subtle Body Anatomy

Asana (Hatha vinyasa)


Methodology and sequence structuring


Professional development and ethics

A typical day on training looks like:

6AM - 7.30AM Practice
8AM Breakfast
9-11AM Anatomy + Physiology
11-1PM History + Philosophy
1PM Lunch
2-5PM Asana Workshop/Sequencing/Teaching
5.30PM Yin

Investment: Early Bird before 1st July $3,000 AUD ($3,500 after 1st July)

Please transfer to Swell Yoga
BSB 016520 Account Number 417368628

& email Sarah at info@swellyogastudio.com.au to notify her of payment.

Your Teachers

  • Sarah Heldsinger


  • Skaya Hedstrom




  • Our Reviews

    "Is there a word limit on this? I can't say enough about how great you all are. You each bring something unique to the table, and your differences complement each other incredibly well. Sarah's experience as a business owner, enthusiasm as a first-time YTT instructor, first-hand knowledge of practising and teaching while pregnant, and yin knowledge. Skaya's background in exercise science, knowledge of the human body, Ayurvedic wisdom, attention to language, and ability to keep everyone (students and teachers alike) in check. Telissa's philosophy lessons, attention to consent and body inclusivity, hatha lessons, alignment cues, stories from India, and willingness to show vulnerability. I spent the entire month feeling so lucky to learn from all of you." - Jaz Feb 2023

    "As a whole, your individual range of skill sets compliment each other and serves the course incredibly well. I feel like I have received a wide range of perspectives based on each of your individual studies and yogi journeys. The three of you are beautifully balanced as a team. How can this be the end? Teach me more! I have so much gratitude for the three of you. Thank you for your time, effort, care and patience. Thank you for taking the leap to bring all this together. I imagine it must have been scary. I'm excited to see how this evolves over time, I'm honoured to have been a part of it". - Nick, Feb 2023

    "Such a good team. So nice to have 3 different personalities, experiences and views on yoga. Shows us how it is important to stay authentic and align within ourselves." - David, Feb 2023

    "The past 3 and a bit weeks have been some of the best I've experienced in a long time. My gut/heart/soul knew when I heard Swell was doing a YTT that this was for me. I feel so open and inspired and I think, Sarah, you have created this beautiful, rare experience for us and Skaya and Telissa absolutely were the best teachers you could have had. I have many many words of love that I'd like to share I will see now that this experience has been life changing for me and my heart is bursting with gratitude that I got to be a part of this" - Al, Feb 2023

    "You 3 are the dream team. Pitta, kapha and vata energy. Skaya conducts herself in a way that I aspire to live - rock solid boundaries, says it how it is but with so much nurturing energy. And Sarah is the queen who kept everything working, supported us all and made sure we were getting the best positive experience." - Al, Feb 2023

    "I'm really happy to have had you 3 as teachers. Authenticity is something that I look for in a teacher, you 3 are authentic in your own ways. All different, but there, present, listening and sharing your experience and knowledge with no judgement. Thank you, I felt comfortable in the course, you are a nice trio that compliment each other and spread true knowledge with shining authenticity". - Loann, Feb 2023

    "All in all, I loved the humour of the training and I felt it was very real and down to earth. Having the perspective of all of the knowledge and experience from your time in India was very appreciated (aka leaving all the fluffy Western stuff out). The training was facilitated beautifully. I feel soooo grateful to have been a part of this training. I really gained so much in the last 3 weeks. I can't thank you all enough for all of your help, kindness and patience through it. I wish it would never end, but I'm definitely doing another training with you in the future!" - Cara, Feb 2023